Contacting other services
Will other support services understand my situation?
A common concern when seeing a health professional or other support service is whether or not they will understand the impact of your experiences on your health and wellbeing.
Increasing numbers of services are aware of the experiences and impact of forced adoption policies and practices, and there are more resources available to assist them, including online training, webinars and written guides.
We can help you work through any concerns and difficulties you may be having when dealing with service providers. Call us on 1800 21 03 13 or email fass@rav.org.au
How do I find a health professional who will understand my situation?
Word of mouth is a good way to find health practitioners with relevant experience and training.
Our Forced Adoption Support Service and other support services such as VANISH may be able to suggest health professionals in your area who have had specific training related to forced adoptions or have experience working with people affected by forced adoption policies and practices.
What can I ask my health professional about?
It’s important that you feel safe and comfortable and can trust your GP or another health professional or support service.
You can ask questions about their training, experience and approach to providing care, as well as asking about things like cost and appointments. If they are unwilling to answer your questions or you feel they are not taking your concerns seriously, consider choosing another health professional or support service.
Will I have to tell my story again?
Only share your story when and if you feel ready to do so, and only within a safe environment, with a person you can trust.
It is possible to receive good quality health care without sharing the details of your story, and health professionals who understand trauma are able to work with you in this way.
If you feel yourself being pushed too hard, or you are uncomfortable with their methods, try to discuss your concerns with your health professional. If you’re not comfortable after discussing your concerns, consider choosing a different health professional.
Remember, you don’t have to do this on your own – you can always take a friend or family member with you for support when you attend appointments.
The Blue Knot Foundation is an organisation that supports adult survivors of child abuse. Their website has excellent information about seeking care and support that may be useful to you, even if you are not a survivor of child abuse.
Forced Adoption Support Services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.