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Victorian Government Apology to Forgotten Australians



On Thursday 8 February 2024, the Allan Labor Government will make a historic formal apology in Parliament to Victorians who experienced historical abuse and neglect as children in institutional care before 1990.

There are a range of ways that impacted Victorians, their families, carers, and support people can view the Apology, which we've summarised below.

Live stream at Open Place

Thursday 8 February at 10am
1/8 Bromham Place, Richmond

Relationships Australia Victoria is the provider of Open Place, a specialist service for people who grew up in institutional care prior to 1990, known as Forgotten Australians.

Open Place invites service users to watch the live stream at their drop-in centre in Richmond. Light refreshments will be served.

A second viewing venue will soon be confirmed in Wangaratta. Please call Open Place after 15 January for more information.

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Open Place reception on 1800 779 379 (free call) or (03) 9421 6162 for catering purposes.

Watch online

Thursday 8 February at 11:30am
Visit new.parliament.vic.gov.au

The apology will be live streamed from the home page of the Parliament of Victoria website. You can watch it from your computer or mobile device, wherever you are.

Regional gatherings

The Victorian Government invites you to watch the Apology at venues in Geelong, Ballarat and Sale on Thursday 8 February.

The Apology will be followed by refreshments. Counselling support staff will be on site if anyone needs this support on the day.

Please note: Each location has a maximum capacity they can host, so please register your attendance, noting any accessibility requirements and if a support person will be attending with you.

To register, email dffhevents@dffh.vic.gov.au or call 0487 353 831 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm).


More information

If you have any questions about the Apology at Parliament House, please email StateEvents@dpc.vic.gov.au or call 0427 498 750.