Work with Relationships Australia Victoria and headspace in Gippsland
Online Information Evening
Tuesday 27 October 2020, 5:30 - 7:30pm AEDT
Are you keen to work with headspace in Bairnsdale and Sale, but want to get some more information about our programs and current vacancies before applying?
Join us for a free, online information session to learn about:
- who we are, our vision and our values
- our commitment to young people
- how we’re positively impacting communities across Gippsland
- what it’s like to work with headspace Bairnsdale and Sale, and lead agency Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV)
- partnering with Gippsland Primary Health Network and the headspace Bairnsdale/Sale Consortium
- working with headspace National
- current opportunities to work with us and support young people aged 12 - 25.
You’ll hear from our passionate and experienced headspace staff about the various programs and services we offer, and from local young people who are members of our Youth Advisory Group.
Managers from headspace Bairnsdale, headspace Sale and RAV will also talk about their roles and responsibilities within the organisation.
Register today
Email or call (03) 5141 6200 to register and receive the Zoom event link. We welcome any members of the general public and service providers who are interested in joining us.
Current opportunities
We’re currently recruiting staff for a number of our programs, including Youth Access Work, Leadership, Enhanced Mental Health in Secondary Schools and COVID-19 Support, and there’ll be time at the end of the presentations for you to speak with our team and ask any questions you may have.
Our current vacancies are ideal for:
- newly-qualified graduates of social work or psychology
- experienced clinicians who are looking for a new career pathway
- clinicians with a bachelor in allied health
- individuals who meet the above criteria and fancy a ‘sea/tree change’ to East Gippsland.
To view our current vacancies, click here.
headspace Bairnsdale and headspace Sale are operated by Relationships Australia Victoria. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network (PHN), in this case, Gippsland PHN.