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Redress Support Services

National Redress Scheme announcement

The National Redress Scheme is aware of a number of unauthorised websites, text messages and social media accounts sharing misleading and inaccurate information about the Scheme. Some of these may appear as search results through web browsers.

They may include information about:

• eligibility for the National Redress Scheme
• availability of a $3,000 redress payment through Centrelink
• a new ‘one off’ or ‘bonus’ payment for Age Pension customers
• welfare payments from other countries
• pictures of government officials
• Services Australia payments and eligibility.

You should not click on links from these websites or provide personal information that may put you at risk.

Information about the Scheme should only be obtained from trusted sources.

Information on how to apply to the Scheme and what happens once you submit an application, can be found on the National Redress Scheme website.

Relationships Australia Victoria is a government-funded Redress Support Service - available to provide free localised practical and emotional support throughout your application process.

If you are concerned about any information you have received about the Scheme, call the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 for confirmation.

You can also report the incident to the Australian Government organisation Scamwatch.

We provide free and confidential support for anyone making, or considering making, an application through the National Redress Scheme.

We recognise the lifelong impacts of childhood trauma.

We would like to acknowledge the lived experiences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples of the Stolen Generations and those who had child sexual abuse perpetrated against them in an institution. We welcome all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples seeking the support of this service.


What is the National Redress Scheme and what does it mean?

The National Redress Scheme (NRS) is the Australian Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. The NRS offers acknowledgement and support to people who:

  • had child sexual abuse perpetrated against them in an institution before July 1 2018, and
  • were born before 30 June 2010, and
  • are Australian citizens or permanent residents.

Redress is an alternative to seeking compensation through the courts. The NRS offers three components of Redress:

  • access to counselling 
  • a Redress scheme payment
  • a Direct Personal Response (an apology) from the institution/s responsible for the abuse.

The NRS commenced on 1 July 2018. Applications for the NRS will be accepted until 30 June 2027.

If you would like more information about the NRS please visit www.nationalredress.gov.au or call them on 1800 737 377.


How we can help?

Deciding whether to apply for the NRS can be difficult. Redress Support Services can assist you with this decision and refer you as needed to other relevant services.

We can offer trauma-informed support to assist with your decision making and to ensure that you understand all of the options that are available to you. 

We can provide practical and emotional support including:

  • providing information about the NRS and answering your questions
  • assistance to complete a NRS application, including support and advocacy throughout the process
  • supportive counselling to help you to manage the emotional impact of the application process
  • referrals to other services, including legal and financial counselling services, and personal or family therapy
  • assistance to understand the outcome of your NRS application
  • assistance and support to access a Direct Personal Response.

Support services aim to be accessible, inclusive and responsive to the varied needs of people who have had child sexual abuse perpetrated against them.


How can I access services?

Professional services are delivered across Victoria through face-to-face settings (where COVIDSafe and in line with Government restrictions), telephone and/or online support to ensure accessibility for people across Victoria who are engaging with the NRS. 


How do I get started?

To access information, support or to make an appointment with our Redress Support Services:


National Redress Scheme For people who have experienced institutional child sexual abuse

Redress Support Services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.

Crisis support

We are not a crisis service. If you are in immediate danger, call 000 (triple zero).

For urgent support, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14, SuicideLine Victoria on 1300 651 251, Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732, MensLine Australia on 1300 78 99 78 or Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800.

Send us an enquiry

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Please provide information about how you know the person that you are enquiring on behalf of. For example, family member, partner, case worker.
We want to make sure that we’re using your correct pronouns. Please let us know how you would like to be referred to. (Pronouns are words that we use to refer to people when we’re not using their name. Examples include she, he, they, xe, and ze. Some people don’t use pronouns at all, preferring to be referred to by name.)
Enter more information about how you describe your cultural origin.
Please enter your preferred contact number without spaces.
Enter the suburb in Victoria where you live.
Enter the Traditional Country where you live.
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Enter any details, comments or questions related to your enquiry.
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Personal information collected by Relationships Australia Victoria is treated as confidential and is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. All personal information that is collected is stored securely and made safe from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, modification or disclosure. More information is available at www.rav.org.au/privacy. Please tick the box to confirm that you understand and give permission. *

Please note: Once you click ‘Submit’, your enquiry may take 5-10 seconds to process before taking you to a confirmation screen. Please do not click ‘Submit’ again, or refresh your page, as this can interrupt the form submission.