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White and pink blossoms growing on a tree.

Services for people affected by violence, abuse and trauma

External crisis support and other services for people affected by violence and abuse, and for those who perpetrate violence.


If you feel unsafe right now, call emergency services on 000 (triple zero).


1800 Respect - 24/7 National sexual assault, domestic and family violence telephone counselling service. Phone 1800 737 732

Blue Knot Foundation – Support for people impacted by complex trauma. Phone 1300 657 380

Crisis Accommodation (Victorian Government Department of Families, Fairness and Housing) – Phone 1800 825 955 (24/7, toll free) to speak with a housing and support worker, if you are escaping family violence, homeless, or at risk of homelessness.

Djirra: Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service - Legal advice, casework and court representation. Phone 1800 105 303 (toll free)

Elder Abuse Helpline (Seniors Rights Victoria) – Free and confidential information about elder abuse. Phone 1300 368 821

Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Services - Emergency accommodation and support for Aboriginal women in relation to domestic violence. Phone (03) 9482 5744

Healing Foundation
Supports Stolen Generations survivors, families and communities.

inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence - Culturally sensitive family violence support for women and children from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Provides case management, immigration and legal support services. Phone (03) 8413 6800

MensLine Australia - 24/7 telephone and online counselling for men. Phone 1800 737 732. Qualified counsellors specialise in relationship breakdown, separation and divorce, parenting, family violence (for those who use and experience family violence), suicide prevention and emotional wellbeing.

National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline – A free, independent and confidential service for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability. Phone 1800 880 052

No to Violence Men’s Referral Service - An anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, referral and information service for men. Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm, Weekends 9am to 5pm. Phone 1300 766 491

Parentline - A phone counselling support service for parents and carers of children aged 0-18 years, providing advice on parenting after separation, disagreement about parenting strategies between care givers, child behaviour and development, child/parent conflict, family violence, bullying and parental stress. Phone 1300 301 300

Rainbow Door (10am-5pm daily) – A free specialist LGBTIQA+ helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family, including support for family and intimate partner violence.

Safe and Equal - Provides an online resource library and directory of specialist family violence services in Victoria.

Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre - 24/7 family violence crisis support in Victoria. Phone 1800 015 188

Seniors Rights Victoria - Provides information, support, advice and education to help prevent elder abuse and safeguard the rights, dignity and independence of older people.

Sexual Assault Crisis Line - Weeknights 5pm-9am, Weekends and public holidays 24 hours, Phone 1800 806 292

The Orange Door - A free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children.

Victims of Crime Helpline - The official Victorian Government service offering free information and support for people affected by crime. Call 1800 819 817 or text 0427 767 891.

What's OK at Home? – A website for young people experiencing family violence and other issues.

WIRE - A free service supporting women, non-binary and gender diverse people in Victoria who are facing issues including family violence, financial abuse and housing. Phone 1300 134 130


Disclaimer: The list above provides links to external crisis support and other services for people affected by violence and abuse, and for those who perpetrate violence. While every effort is made to check the content and accuracy of the websites RAV links to, we take no responsibility for information contained on websites that are maintained by other organisations. RAV is not endorsing or associated with any of the services listed on this page.



We can also support you through the following services

Other support services

External resources & links
A person standing next to a large pool of water with a red sky in the background.
Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations
Links to external services, cooperatives, networks and gathering places for First Nations peoples.
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News, blogs & media
A man wearing sandals while sitting in a wheelchair.
Disability support services
Links to external services for people with disability, including those who are impacted by the Disability Royal Commission.
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News, blogs & media
A parent lifting their laughing child above their head.
Family and parenting services
Links to external services that support parents and families.
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News, blogs & media
The sun shining through trees onto green grass.
Forced adoption services
Links to external services supporting people affected by forced adoption.
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External resources & links
Focus on the scales of justice with a blurred background.
Government and legal services
Links to Australian and Victorian Government services and departments, and other legal services that can support you.
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External resources & links
A green first aid container.
Health information and services
Links to online health resources provided by government and health services.
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External resources & links
A couple with their backs against a wall, looking at each other.
LGBTIQA+ support services
Links to external services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual and other sexually or gender diverse people and their friends and family.
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External resources & links
A man wearing a grey shirt leaning against a tree as he scrolls on his phone.
Mental health services
Links to external services providing telephone, video and online counselling and information resources about mental health.
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External resources & links
A family sitting on a couch smiling at each other.
Multicultural services
Links to external services and information for culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
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External resources & links
A bookcase full of books in a library.
Sector, research and accreditation bodies
Links to external resources for professionals, service providers and students.
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External resources & links
Two laughing couples sitting on a couch.
Senior services
Links to external services for older adults and their families.
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External resources & links
Key attached to a key ring shaped like a house on a timber surface.
Social welfare services
Links to external services that can assist you with housing and homelessness, debt, gambling, or alcohol and other drug use.
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External resources & links
A couple sitting together on a park bench, looking at each others phones.
Youth services
Links to external support services available to assist young people with a range of challenges.
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